Woman Spends Too Much Time on Bullet Journal To Actually Accomplish Work
On New Years Day 2018, Joanie Bliss sat down with a felt pen and blank bullet journal. This year she was ready to accomplish her goals. A little over seven months into the year, Joanie has not accomplished a single goal except one: crafting her dreams into a beautiful neat list. “By the time I construct my to-do list, with just the right calligraphy, it’s been six hours and I have to go to bed.”
This is a pattern many bullet journalers face. Calendars, tasks, goals, calorie counts, there’s a huge variety you can put into a bullet journal. Most “journal-junkies” believe you can’t just jot it down, it must be carefully placed, organized and color coded. The time consuming process has deterred Joanie’s New Years resolutions, but she argues it’s put her on a new positive path. “Before my journal, I had all these ideas for myself. What to do, who to be and whatever. Now I just draw it out on my journal and that’s pretty much all I like to do. It’s pretty.”